Benjamin Rowe Architecture
Licensed Architectural Design Services

"Build With Character"

From restroom or kitchen remodels, additions and new ground-up construction, no matter the size of your project. 

ADA compliance, Occupancy and Egress, Restroom and Parking requirements, Tennant improvements, etc. Years of experience are brought to the table.

ADUs are fun to design and relatively easy to permit. Here are some carefully designed floor plans ready for review and easily adapted to your project site.

Come see large format projects outside of traditional architecture I’ve worked on.

My Philosophy

Architecture is a form of self-expression. The architecture where you work and live is influenced by who you are and in turn, you are  influenced by it. Architecture protects and shelters us but also expresses us. The world is full of beautiful architecture throughout history that we are able to take reference from. 

“…this kind of life fostered an appreciation of the minor details of everyday life and insights into the beauty of the inconspicuous and overlooked aspects of nature.” –  “Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers” by Leonard Koren –

